We have 10 places remaining on our upcoming Safeguarding for Equestrians Course being held here at the Centre on 6th July.
The course, being run by an RDA tutor, is fully accredited by the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) and British Equestrian Federation (BEF).
PRICE: FREE to RDA volunteers.
The course is open to volunteers or staff from other member bodies, or external organisations outside of the RDA - such as the Pony Club. Price is £25 (payable to the RDA).
DATE: Saturday 6th July 2024.
TIME: 10am start (arrive for 9.30am). Finishes 1pm. Tea and coffee will be available throughout the morning.
VENUE: Clwyd Special Riding Centre, Llanfynydd, Flintshire, LL11 5HN.
HOW TO BOOK: Visit the MyRDA website for further details and how to book your place: https://myrda.org.uk/events/safeguarding-for-equestrians-face-to-face-course-6-july-2024-clwyd/
If you have any questions relating to the venue, please contact Sara Henney: volunteering@clwydspecialridingcentre.co.uk